Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Newport Oregon

ready to head outside
what a heavy door for a little person
the beach in Newport Oregon
first steps on the beach
right for the water...of course
and flinging water
and scooping up more
our little family
some weird digging critter in the sand
Hey Kendra...got any ideas?
finally touched the sand
and decided it was worth picking up
and throwing
and making dirty hands
headed toward the water to rinse
not so sure she wants to do it and points
out to mama what's coming
which seem a little scary when you're
only 2 feet tall and 2 years old
the second day was much more
fun...throwing sand at "momo & gill"

Crazy dancing cousins

During family quilting at mom's the cousins were all playing in the toy room and cracking up laughing together. When I peeked inside I found Blake riding "Shaggy", which was Brian's rocking horse, and the girls dancing to the rhythm of his rocking.
Sorry this video is a little fuzzy.

Iona & Esmeralda

Claire & I finally got the girls together near the end of February...WOW how time changes baby friends! Io is SO verbal. My favorite has to be when you ask her "what do you do with a verb?" and she answers in this teeny-tiny voice "conjugate!!" Amazingly cute! Good job mama Claire!!