Esmeralda was the only little person at Easter this year, which sounds kind of sad and lonely, but the upside is that when you're the only little person, you get to hunt all the eggs by yourself...without any competition!
Egg hunting started in the living room at Aunt Robin's
house...and of course there were eggs hidden in the quilts
Some of the eggs had Littlest PetShop toysinside...Esmeralda's new favorite thing
So cute in her Easter dress

Hunting eggs outside was fun too! She found eggs that talked to her: "I'm hiding", "Come and find me", "You found me."
(I think I heard that the Easter Bunny found these at Target)
And of course there were traditional eggs with chocolate inside!
After the hunt Esmeralda shared ice creamand strawberries with Grandpa
Boy is that good!!