Monday, July 27, 2009

Trying to pack the house...

How do you entertain your child while packing the house to move? Get her to "decorate" the boxes by painting them! (of course she wouldn't just paint on the boxes so I had to compromise with giant paper to cover the boxes)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Independence Day

throwing some pop-it in gram's backyard

watching fireworks...all wearing babylegs

not exactly ready to leave

Thursday, July 2, 2009

First big haircut...thanks Gram!!

And a little castle building with "Gwampa"

Happy Birthday Colton!!

Esmeralda went to her first "big kid" birthday party
for Colton. They had a play structure, water guns,
slip & slide, a pinata and, of course, cake!
Watch her swing at that pinata!

Time with the cousins

These first few pictures Aunt Emily
(aka Momo) took the last time we were at
Brian & Beth's house with their chickens

These two pictures are of the cousins at our house.
First a walk to the fruit stand and everyone got a carrot
to eat on the trip home and then we had a big pig pile
on mommy/aunt Jenn