I have been talking about enrolling Esmeralda in preschool for the last couple of weeks/months and we finally got the ball rolling. Last week we went and observed in the class she would be attending and I fell in love with the place, her teacher and the art based "play" they have planned for this young group. Yesterday I called to see how soon she could start and they said as soon as I had the paperwork filled out. I promptly went home, filled out her paperwork, and called the school this morning to see if she could go TODAY and they said of course!! So...I took her at 12:45p, Miguel met us there, and we got the official tour and introductions to some parent helpers. Once she was all signed in, Papa and I watched from a distance and she just ran off to be with the other kids and played! We snuck out and when I came back to get her at 3:30p she just looked at me and said, "Hi Mama!" and walked over casually is if I'd been there all the time. When she got a bit closer, she launched into full speed and just about knocked me over in her excitement to give me a hug. The best part was that she was COVERED in orange tempera paint and smelled of shaving cream...I LOVE IT!! I think this will be a GREAT experience for her...we both need the time and space from each other to better appreciate our time together. Enjoy a couple of pictures from today's exciting day!!

Outdoor play at the water table.

A view of the play yard.

Check in and dramatic play area behind.

Art area and "kitchen" area.


This is the orange tempera...literally from head to toe!