Monday, June 21, 2010

new baby & friends

We got a chance to go up and see the newest cousin: Caleb James
Here's Andrew, Michelle & Emily...don't they look alike?
I think Esmeralda needs a sibling....
Colton, Esmeralda & Iona having a quick snack at OMSI
A close up of Esmeralda & Iona...they are so grown up!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Preschool Graduation Day!!

She wore her "cap" for about a minute then took it off
and proceeded to cry & hide her face because there
were SO many adults in the room staring at all the
kids...oh well! It was cute anyway.

some cute kids

Katie and I took the girls to a park and discovered this really
cool tree to climb in...and took the girls' pictures!!
All three girls in the tree!