Monday, October 24, 2011

Halloween type stuff

The first two pictures are of Esmeralda, aka Pocahontas, and her boo & bowl-a-thon. She was too quick while bowling to catch very many pictures.

On the max heading to bowling.

Using the ramps with the bumpers to rack up a total of 86 pins!!

The tractor for the hay ride at the pumpkin patch with her class.

Waiting is so hard when you're little.

A class photo.

Esmeralda and I on the hay ride after picking the perfect pumpkin :-)

That's a LOT of potatoes!!

Another class photo.

She really wanted to be the cute!!

Summer adventures...a little late coming

I know that is has been a long time coming and we have had lots of adventures since my last post, but I'm going to try to update this all at about 3 separate posts :-)

Just a cute kid smile from sometime in early August.

This was her favorite activity this summer...rain in the pool,

created by the sprinkler!

I thought this was a cute moment from Matt and Yvette's wedding. Esmeralda and Blake were picking flowers, I think.

We went to the fair and gave Esmeralda the camera. This is what a four year old finds exciting at the fair...a sheep :-)

A sheep with a coat and hat.

A pig getting a hair cut.

This cow requested her picture taken. Literally...she moo-ed until Esmeralda took her picture and then went back to eating hay.

Baby pigs.

Miniature horses, with babies!

They were eye level with Esmeralda.

She finally got up the nerve to ask the man if she could pet them.

The baby chicks were too cute, she LOVED them.

And they LOVED her too!!