Thursday, June 4, 2009

So much fun!

We have been having too much fun with the warm weather
so instead of doing a bunch of little posts I have lumped
them all together in one LARGE post for the last month...enjoy!
We start our adventure with an airplane
trip to Pullman...Esmeralda's first flight!
Playing with "flarp"
Learning how to text with Jill
So tired on a car ride back from Spokane
An ice cream treat at La Casa Lopez in Moscow
Crazy cool clouds
Can you see Esmeralda's hand out the window?
I should not have told Papi that the markers were washable!!
Nice mustache and goatee
A day trip to Seaside...
learning how to fly a kite
Flying all by herself
This first video is a tutorial in kite flying

Flying solo

A picture with mommy
A family photo
Eager to ride the in hand
Such a big girl
A trip to the beach means sand in your toes that needs to get out!!
Feeding the ducks during the walk to the fruit guy
Look mommy...
"bebe gucks"
A trip to the petting zoo...and she actually pet a donkey,
a sheep,
and rode a pony!
Then we watched a dog long jump competition where the dogs jump into a swimming pool
A day trip to Cannon for the FIRST TIME on the beach
Burying Gram's sandal
Walking in the water
Playing at Gram's the hammock with the cousins

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